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The Mageors Family

The Mageors Family

Friday, March 19, 2010

Avery's New Big Boy Bed

As we typically do things around here, we are knocking out another milestone this week. Avery is sleeping in his new big boy bed tonight for the very first time! A big thanks to Angela who so generously donated her outgrown toddler bed to us. I got home from work and Cory had already disassembled Avery's crib and put it in the garage. I was a little taken aback at first. I wasn't quite ready for that, but in the end, it saved me the long drawn-out good bye with the crib.

Avery refers to his new bed as his "little bed." He asked me, "Hey, where'd my big bed go?" I told him that he was looking at his new big boy bed, and he told me that it was his "little bed." I love the innocence of a child's mind. It truly is a little bed.

He loved it and climbed right in when I told him it was time for bed. I walked out of the room and asked Cory if he cared to make a wager on how many times he would get out of bed tonight. We both would have lost. I think I heard him talk for maybe 30 seconds, and then he was out like a light. Now we will just have to see if he will actually get out of bed in the morning or if he will still call out for me

As for the potty training. I think we are pretty much there, folks! Avery did a fantastic job today at Jeanette's. No accidents! My baby is really growing up. It makes me kind of sad...I guess it's time for another one!


  1. Aw, I would have been sad about the disassembled crib, too. I love his bed, too! So cute. He's gotten so big since I last saw him.

  2. Thanks! I know; I just can't believe how much they grow in just a few short months. We are still working on potty training. I thought he was just starting to get it over at the sitter's. On Friday he didn't have any accidents, but for some reason today he had 3! I know it is all part of the process...patience, patience, patience!
