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The Mageors Family

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 4 of our 3-day Potty Training

Last night was a success! Cory and I left for a couple of hours to go to the Mavs game (we won't mention the embarrassing blow out on the Mavs end), and my parents were sweet enough to come over to the house to take over while we were gone. They arrived right around Avery's bed time, so the tricky part was getting him to go potty before going down. Of course, as soon as they got here, Avery got a sudden rush of a second wind. He played for a little while, and then (I was told) stood up suddenly, grabbed himself and declared "I have to go potty!" as he ran to the bathroom. Success! A true test of how he will do for someone else, and as I predicted, he wanted to show off his newly found ability. Nina (my mom according to Avery) put Avery down after he went potty around 8:00. She said he called out for her, specifically, to go potty again around 9:15, but it was most likely another ploy to avoid going to sleep.

Cory and I got home VERY early, and he was sound asleep. I went to check on him around 11:30, and the bed was still dry. He noticed I was in the room, so I took advantage and put him on the potty. In a dazed stupor, he went! I put him back to bed, and I am so thankful he is such a good sleeper because he went right back to sleep. I went to bed around 1 and woke up on my own about 6:30 (which was really 7:30 at this point due to daylight savings) and went to check on him. He was sound asleep and STILL DRY!!! I went ahead and got him up to put him on the potty. He went AGAIN! I tried to put him back to bed, but neither of us really went back to sleep. So, we were up again around 7am (or 8am rather).

I'm pretty pleased with his progress. We are still working on communicating when he needs to go. He still says he is peeing, when really he means he needs to go pee. And, we still have several instances where he says he his "peeing" and we take him to the potty but nothing happens. I know he will get there. He is still pretty young for all of this, so I am really proud of him. Cory got brave and took him to go get donuts and kolaches this morning so I could get some much need rest (he is so sweet to me!). His first travel experience in big boy underwear; another success.

All and all, I think we are on the right track. If I had planned this better, I would have taken a full week off of work just to be sure he was really ready by the time he goes back to the sitter. Cory is planning on staying home with him again tomorrow. Tuesday will be our true test. I just hope he can do well enough over there that she doesn't think he still needs to be in a pull-up during the day. I really don't want to take that step backwards, but I understand it is a lot of work to keep on top of a potty-training-toddler while watching 6 other kids at the same time.


  1. Yay! Aren't you happy the hardest part is over?

  2. Yes! Although, I have a feeling I am going to switch to pull-ups at night time. I think it is a little outrageous to expect that he can sleep all night without wetting the bed. He is a really good, heavy sleeper, and I can tell it hurts his feelings really badly when he wets the bed at night.
