Avery's birthday countdown

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The Mageors Family

The Mageors Family

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 3

Avery enjoying his prizes for going poop on the potty!
Yesterday ended sort of well. We ended up with only the one minor accident during the day, but the night brought about more issues. Avery wouldn't ever go potty before bed. I finally put him down, and he would call out for me a few times. After trying to go potty at no avail, he finally went to sleep. I woke him up about an hour after he feel asleep, and still, no potty. He called out for me around midnight after he wet the bed and again at 2 am. He never would go on the potty that night, but he made it from 2 until around 7:15 when I got him up this morning and put him on the potty. He went then!

And finally, around 10am this morning, while Cory was having his share of watching him like a hawk while I did some laundry, Avery decided he needed to poop! He ran to the bathroom, Cory helped him sit down and talked him through it. He did it! We were all very excited! He had one minor accident after lunch, involving another No. 2, and that did him in! He was so upset about it, he wouldn't even sit down on the potty. He is napping now, and still hasn't gone potty since the incident.

I am leaving for just a little while, so Cory will take over during nap time. I'm not sure we will have it by the end of today. He still isn't telling me that he needs to go. I just keep reminding him all day to tell me, and on occasion, when I remind him, he then decides to run to the potty.
It's still progress.

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