Avery's birthday countdown

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The Mageors Family

The Mageors Family

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Countdown to Potty Training Boot Camp...as I like to call it

Today marks three more days of diapers, and then they are bone voyage! We have decided to try the 3-day potty training method. A little intimidating, but we are ready for the challenge. I spent an hour and a half on Saturday morning at Target "preparing" for the our 3-day adventure. New undies (I let Avery help pick them out) a new potty ring (Diego, because he seems to really like him), stickers, tattoos, art stuff, new books, a few little prizes and some good ol' fashioned candy rewards and of course, Oxy Clean pet stain/odor remover (that should work on my couch and rugs, right?)! I know it sounds like a lot, but I want to try and make this as fun of an experience as possible.

So the plan is, starting on Thursday, 3 days of no more diapers, just underoos. We are supposed to "throw away" all of the leftover diapers first thing Thursday morning, day 1. I am a little apprehensive about that plan, so we may just pretend to throw them away, and I will actually save them and give them to a friend, any takers??? I have an internal conflict with throwing away unused diapers...it's like throwing away cash!

I am taking Thursday and Friday off from work so we can get this thing kicked off right. We will stay home all weekend, with the exception of an hour or so on Saturday afternoon (Cory will stay home with him at that time) and the Mavs game that night. Hopefully he will be just going down to bed when we leave for the game, so it shouldn't interfere too badly.

I am excited, nervous and anxious all in one. I am ready for him to be potty trained. I'm done with diapers...for now at least ;) I am preparing myself for focus and patience. Those are key factors for this method to work. I've heard some feedback from someone else who has used this method, and it work for them. Will it work for us too? We shall see!


  1. Good luck, Honey! Go Avery!!!!

  2. Thanks! I'm going to blog about it, so you can all feel my pain...I mean enjoy our experience! ; )
