Avery's birthday countdown

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The Mageors Family

The Mageors Family

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 1 - First Half Update

3-day potty training has commenced. We woke up around 7:30 this morning, had breakfast and began the ritualistic sacrifice of all the leftover diapers. (I actually had Cory take half a box with him this morning...again, I can't bear the thought of just "throwing" them away!) I put a fresh new pair of "big boy" undies on Avery and had him carry the diapers out to the trash. He seemed very proud of himself, but I'm not sure he completely understood why.

It was about 8 am, and we had our first discussion in the bathroom. "Here is your new potty chair. Your "business" goes in here. Make sure you keep your new undies dry!" And we were off!

I've been pushing liquids all morning to give him plenty of learning opportunities. By 9am, it had been a complete hour since I put the underwear on him, and still NO pee! I constantly reminded him to tell me when he needed to go. He would just say, "I don't want to go potty!" and I would leave it at that. Finally, at 9:05am, we had our first accident. I rushed him to the potty, but he didn't have anything left. About 15 minutes later, another accident started. I rushed him to the potty again...still nothing. Then, at ten 'til ten, he started to pee again. I scooped him up, ran to the bathroom and he finished on the potty!! What a big boy! He was very excited. He got a sucker, a stamp on his foot and a sticker for his "Day 1" potty sign on the refrigerator. (Thanks Melissa for that idea!)

I was able to catch him 2 more times before he actually peed in his underwear, and we made it to the potty on time. By lunch, he had gone 5 times in the potty, with 2 of those times still having dry undies. Good job Avery!

Now, is the challenging part. I put him down almost an hour ago for a nap, and he still isn't asleep! He called out to me once because he peed in his bed. We changed the sheets, but he is still in there just chatting away.

We'll see how the second half of the day goes! Wish us luck!


  1. Day 1 is probably the hardest...so it can only get better.

  2. Need an update! I love the stamp on the foot idea! Remember, boys can take longer to train so don't push it if it doesn't seem to work (sorry, my early childhood background is coming out; not trying to be bossy)!!!
