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The Mageors Family

The Mageors Family

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

After a really long, stressful week, I can honestly say I am glad that tomorrow is Monday. I was sick with strep all last week which made me really tired and really irritable. Not a good time to be feeling that way. Saturday night we had family in town so we decided to be brave and take Avery out to dinner with us. He did pretty well until the end of the night. He asked 4 times to go potty (I think he really liked the paintings of the naked ladies in the men's bathroom at Cafe San Miguel's) but never went. At his fifth request, I asked him if he really did need to go and he began to pee in his pants. Luckily, we were prepared with a change of pants and clean undies. It didn't make a mess, just a little hassle going back and forth to the potty in a very crowded restaurant.

Nap time yesterday was a struggle. He was up every 5 seconds pulling new toys into his bed, and he had two accidents in his room while he was supposed to be sleeping. It was a long 2 hours until he finally went to sleep.

Today was much better. He didn't have any accidents. He woke up really early this morning and came into our room. I took him to go potty, changed him into his big boy undies and he got him bed with us for a much needed additional 30 minutes. Cory was sweet and got up with him so I could sleep a little longer. He napped much better today. Got up a couple of times, and then Cory went in there and actually rocked him to sleep! Not an everyday occurrence, by any means, but it worked for today! We ran a couple of errands after all the snow melted, and he did great. He asked to go potty at Target, but it was a no go. He was, however, impressed with the automatic flush on the potty, "WOW!"

We got new bedding for his toddler bed. It's really cute with robots. I want to repaint his room now, so that will be next on our to-do list.

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